Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Goodbye, 2010!

This has been a remarkably difficult year.  It began with a flooded basement and the death of my mother, continued with multiple home repairs and car failures, and concluded with a wild night at Small Claims Court, worry about my elderly father, and a workplace restructure.  All the while, we have been surrounded by an America filled with the discontented, the anxious, and the mad. 

Through the trials and tribulations, our family has attempted to maintain a sense of humor.  Perspective has been discussed frequently.  This too shall pass, uttered often.  Gratitude, for what we have, for friends and unconditional love, has been expressed.

But, the most satisfying moments have been those of action.  Things pass not only due to the relentless pace of time, but through thoughtful words and deeds.  Fear is a paralyzing tool, and as thus it is used to disable victims of the power-hungry, the greedy, and the bully.   When we fail to speak or act, we betray not only ourselves but others.  Sometimes you can simply wait out conditions, and all will be well.  Much of our lives is spent this way, as we cannot control our most immediate circumstances, the chance of our birth, the actions of others, the weather.  But sometimes a catalyst is necessary, a shove, a nudge, a spark, to redirect energy.

May you be a catalyst in 2011, and actively refresh the possibilities of a better and more positive future.

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