April & May 2010 were filled with activity, responsibility, and fun. First came Fund Drive. Public Radio lives and dies by the fund drive, and it was that time again for my husband. This Spring, the all-important event coincided with our daughter's annual performance week with Children's Dance Theatre (CDT). I attended opening night alone, but that wound was soothed by the achievement of record donations to the station, over $400,000.
Performance Week is hectic and intense. There are rehearsals each evening in the theater, and the week culminates in two days of student matinees, an evening opening for the paying audience, and a final matinee on Saturday. Parent volunteers are vital to the operation, which includes 300 children, so even with his added work responsibilities, Chad dutifully loaded and unloaded scenery and I monitored thirty 8 and 9 year-old girls backstage, helping with costumes, ferrying groups to professional photographers, assisting with make-up and hair, and ensuring arrival in the wings on time.
After the whirlwind of CDT rehearsals and performances, the ninth birthday arrived. Cupcakes were required.
An outing to Antelope Island was enjoyed.
Youth Theatre class performed "The Giving Tree."
Our vegetable garden was planted.
Some rainy days followed, making for good reading time. Otto likes it when we slow down.
Exams were taken at Ballet West Academy. Maya was told she has "dance savvy."
A belated Samurai-Ninja-themed birthday party was well attended, and included the ceremonial sword-cutting of the cake, which was from the new vegan bakery, City Cakes. Yay for our town!
Amidst all this, Maya auditioned for a film and received a call back (it went well, and we're crossing our fingers!), learned to turn long division remainders into decimals, studied fractions, continued to edit a novel inspired by a Pilobolus performance, attended a Girls Read club at the public library, saw a wonderful play based on Aesop's Fables at the Children's Theatre, did some bird watching, blogged a bit, read many books, explored the traveling Smithsonian Anne Frank exhibit, wrote birthday thank-you notes, painted a wonderful family portrait as a gift for Mother's Day, watched two rounds of Jazz basketball playoff games, learned several new songs on the violin, and spent much quality time with our beloved, 17 and 18-year-old cats.
Today, she rested. And played Lego Batman with her dad.
But I didn't. I wrote and posted this.
What a great update! It's really too bad we lead such a sedentary life, huh?